Applications and instructions for authors

Editorial requirements for publication in a post-conference volume

On receiving a positive review, papers read during the Conference will be published in a post-conference volume in Polish or English. Each of the articles will constitute a chapter of a thematic volume of the post-conference publication to be released on the Conference opening day. A chapter in a post-conference volume should be understood as a scientific study of a minimum of 0.5 sheets of a publishing sheet (i.e. 20,000 characters with spaces). The Editorial Board reserves the right to make language, graphic and layout corrections.

It is possible to have a few articles published for an additional fee of 100 PLN or 25 € each.


Paper or poster summaries should be prepared in Polish and English. The entire abstract (in a given language version) may not exceed 300 words. The abstract should include 3-5 keywords. All margins (upper, lower, left and right) should be 25 mm. Texts should be written in “Times New Roman CE” font. On the first page, counting from the top, the following information must be provided:

  • Authors (name and surname), with the surname of the person presenting the paper at the Conference underlined – (12 B. B.) – (height of letters – 12 points, bold text)
  • Affiliation (12 p. N.) – (12 points, normal text): University, Chair, Department, city, country
  • Correspondence address, telephone/fax and e-mail (12 p. N.) – (12 points, normal text)
  • The title of the abstract in Polish and in English (12 p. B.) – (12 points, bold text)
  • Key words in Polish and in English (12 p. N) – (12 points, normal text)

Text of the abstract: (12 p. N) – (12 points, normal text). Print: normal density (100%), line spacing – 1.5 (one and a half of the spacing), no additional spacing between paragraphs, indentation of the first line of each paragraph 12 mm, double text justification.

Research paper abstracts should include the following elements:

Introduction and aim of the study, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions.

Full version
The full version should meet the following requirements:

  • Title of work and subsequent parts (12 p. B.) – (12 points, bold text).
  • Print: normal density (100%), line spacing – 1.5 (one and a half spaces), no extra spacing between paragraphs, a 12 mm indentation of the first line of each paragraph, double text justification. The volume of a paper should not exceed 12 pages including additional materials (abstract, tables, illustrations, graphs, references – word processor, tables and figures – only MS Office Word).

When reference is made in the text to a particular item of literature, the surname of the author and the date of the publication should be provided in parentheses. If there are more than two authors, the surname of the first author with annotation et al., and the date of the publication should be provided.

References should include up to 20 entries, numbered in alphabetical order, taking into account the surname(s) of the author(s) and the first letters of the forename(s), year, title of paper, publishing house (or a magazine’s title), pages according to the model:

  1. Chrzanowska M., Gołąb S., Żarów R., Sobiecki J., Brudecki J. 2002. Dziecko Krakowskie 2000. Poziom rozwoju biologicznego dzieci i młodzieży miasta Krakowa. Studia i monografie nr 19. AWF, Kraków, str. 9-11
  2. Januszewski J., Mleczko E. 2006. Wskaźnik wagowo-wzrostowy Queteleta II – BMI
    a sprawność fizyczna i morfologiczna, badania w konwencji zdrowia u dziewcząt
    z Małopolski. Antropomotoryka nr 35, str. 33-49

When preparing the paper, the following guidelines should be observed:

Research papers

  • Abstract (max 300 words in a given language version) divided into: Introduction and aim of the study, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions
  • Key words in Polish and in English (3-5 key words)
  • The main body in Polish or in English, divided into: Introduction and aim of the study, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions

Theoretical papers

  • Abstract (max 300 words in a given language version) undivided into sections
  • Key words in Polish and in English (3-5 key words)
  • The main body in Polish or in English can be divided into subchapters

Abstracts and the full version of the paper in electronic form should be sent in Word and pdf files to the address: