The Institute of Health
of State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów
is holding
2nd international Scientific Conference

“The Human Being In Health and In Disease – Health Promotion, Treatment, and Rehabilitation”

on 26-27 October 2018

Regardless of how much the world is changing, human health remains one of the highest values. It is the centre of interest for physicians, nurses, physiotherapists and physical education teachers. In each of these professions the primary goal is to care for the quality of life and to work out in patients and mentees the conviction that their psychophysical state largely depends on them.

Professionalism in professional work requires from us (representatives of the above mentioned professions) continuous development, creative research, discussion and improvement of practical skills. It is scientific meetings that provide the best opportunity to do this. We do hope that a two-day meeting at our University will enable an exchange of ideas, establish new contacts and commence further research projects in inter-center teams.

We cordially invite you to 2nd International Scientific Conference in Tarnów.

Organisational Committee